Who We Are

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Who We Are


PATRA Inc ACDA is a registered charity that works with young people aged 16–24, their parents, families, communities, and other stakeholders in countering multiple and complex disadvantages that prevent individuals from Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) groups from competing on an equal basis in the labour market.

We focus on ensuring that young people from these racially and socially disadvantaged groups are properly represented in meaningful and senior positions in proportion to their presence in the labour market and that they are able to progress in learning and work.

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About Us

Our Mission

To become a centre of excellence by empowering individuals within the African Caribbean and BAME communities.

Our Vision

To be an organisation that provides exceptional services that transform and improve the lives of individuals and offer better life chances.

Our Impact

We enable young people to build career and life readiness skills through workplace training, connections and activities with other young people and through holistic community based support to become productive and engaged citizens.

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Our Approach

Positive Action Tailored Support

PATRA’s work is guided by Positive Action as a means of combating the under-representation of BAME groups and countering the impact of racism, racial discrimination, and racial disadvantages through four Positive Actions.


We encourage young people to explore and access training, qualifications, job, engagement, connections and other opportunities in sectors and industries where they are underrepresented.

Workplace Training

We support young people through guidance and resources to improve their chances to succeed in interviews, get hands-on work experience, and access training at work to enhance their job retention and career progression.

Holistic Support

We offer tailored holistic support to the needs of the young person including English language, pastoral, digital resources and skills, travel cost among others. We skill parents to improve the outcomes of their children.

Connected Networks

We provided young people with safe spaces to meet, connect, engage and network with one another and access relevant support through peer and professional guidance and by improving their confidence and self belief.

Our Process

Our Theory of Change

We believe that consistent and targeted resource investment among young people as they transition to adulthood provides significant and lasting returns. We believe we will have greater impact through collective action and collaboration with broad stakeholders at all levels, individuals, communities and organisations.

Supporters and Partners